PixelCog Blog

PixelCog Blog

Jekyll From Scratch - Core Architecture

Jekyll From Scratch - Core Architecture

Now that we’ve covered the basics of Jekyll as a blogging platform, it’s time to mold a richly customized website out of the hunk of clay Jekyll has given you. In this second post of my series, I explore the depths of Jekyll’s potential as a static website generator without using any plugins. [read more]

Jekyll From Scratch - Getting Started

Jekyll From Scratch - Getting Started

Jekyll + GitHub Pages is the web platform underlying the new and improved PixelCog.com. I’ve decided to document my experience with it as I go along, consolidating best practices, tips, and tricks into a helpful guide to use for my own reference and the benefit of anyone else out there who might learn from my experience. [read more]

Hello World!

Hello World!

Welcome to my new tech blog! Following Lorna Jane Mitchell’s advice I made blogging into a new year’s resolution… two and a half years ago. Two full new-years later, I’ve long since convinced myself of the benefits of this practice; writing for mental relief, personal reference, publicity, etc. I’ve just never made the time to dive in until now. I’m excited to finally get started. [read more]